LIHEAP and Other Energy Efficiency Tips

What is LIHEAP? The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a vital federal program designed to offer financial support for energy bills to households with low income. This initiative is a part of the U.S. Department of...


Bipartisan Bill to Address Veteran Mental Health Passes U.S. House

  A bipartisan bill designed to expand mental health treatment for veterans was recently passed in the U.S. House. The COPE Act aims to improve access to mental health services for veterans and thei...


A $5.1 Million Initiative: Expanding School-Based Mental Health Clinics for New York's Youth

Governor Hochul of New York recently announced over $5.1 million in funding for school-based mental health clinic satellites across the state. With 137 school clinics in total, ther...


Boosting Your Wellbeing: A Year-End Mental Health Checklist

As the end of the year approaches, taking a moment to check in on your mental health and wellbeing can be a great way to prepare for the coming year. Here's a helpful end-of-year mental health checklist to...


Free Food At School For Your Kids

You're barely making ends meet; in fact, most of the time you aren't. The rent has to get paid to keep a roof over your head, and you really need to keep the electricity going. Phone and internet? They seem like a luxury and they are ...


10 Ways to Get Free Food

Everyone loves food, but getting food for free or at a discount makes food even better. Below are ten ways for people anywhere to get free or discounted food without having to do too much work to get it. Free Samples Free samples are everywhere....


How to Eat Well and Stay Well When Your Paycheck Isn't Bringing In Enough

The price of groceries alone these days can take a huge cut out of your budget. You want to eat delicious food that is also nutritious, and you want to take good care of your health. How can you do ...


Expert Tips To Help Achieve Or Improve Your Physical and Mental Wellness

  When people hear of wellness, the first thing that comes to mind is the absence of disease. However, the World Health Organization describes it as complete physical, social, and mental well-b...


Federal Renewable Energy Grants

It is easier to get a loan than it is to get a grant. Many people have a hard time finding grants. The first challenge that people face is finding the grants. The second challenge that they face is applying for the application. This is why many...


Job-Training Stimulus Funds Allocated By Government

The work force in the United States is in desperate need of help. There are millions upon millions of people who are either underemployed or unemployed, and several of the classically lucrative industries in the United State...