How to Eat Well and Stay Well When Your Paycheck Isn't Bringing In Enough
- Author: Teresa Boehm
- Posted: 2025-01-22
The price of groceries alone these days can take a huge cut out of your budget. You want to eat delicious food that is also nutritious, and you want to take good care of your health. How can you do it? Keep reading along for these expert tips, and see how amazing government programs can help you. Wellness is all about thriving and not just surviving.
Defining Wellness
Each human being on the planet deserves to be in a position of wellness, but what exactly does that mean?
According to the dictionary, wellness is described as "the quality or state of being in good health, especially as an actively sought goal." There are multiple dimensions of wellness. When most people think of wellness, they only usually mention good nutrition and physical activity. There is more, including positive choices and a sense of fulfillment. You can find wellness in spirituality, at work, in your environment, at the social level, etc.
Applying for Government Programs
Food assistance is available in a number of federal government programs that you can apply for. You can help yourself and your family. SNAP, which used to be called Food Stamps, is an excellent program offered in every state. It helps many individuals pay for food if they need it. SNAP benefits work like this: Each month, food stamps are placed on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card to use when you shop for food.
SNAP benefits will vary by state, but in April 2023, the national average benefit was $181.72 per person ($343.00 per household).
You can apply locally at your community SNAP office, and sometimes, you will be interviewed before your application is approved. You could also call and speak to a live agent. The toll-free number is 1-844-USA-GOV1 (1-844-872-4681).
There is also food assistance for older adults (60 and over) who qualify. The CSFP or Commodity Supplemental Food Program is one where you can go pick up a monthly package of healthy food distributed to your local agency. In some states, your food can be delivered.
Another well-known program is WIC or Women, Infants and Children. You can find your local agency here online so that you can apply. The program is free of charge and provides not only healthy foods but also nutrition education, breastfeeding support and guidance to healthcare services, etc.
WIC foods often feature nutritional items such as infant cereal, iron-fortified adult cereal, vitamin C-rich fruit or vegetable juice, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, dried and canned beans/peas and canned fish. Also provided are soy-based beverages, tofu, fruits and vegetables, baby foods, whole-wheat bread and other whole-grain options.
There is also food assistance for Native Americans. Your tribal organization or regional Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) office can determine if you are eligible. To speak to a live agent, call toll-free 1-844-USA-GOV1 (1-844-872-4681).
Applying for Disability
Your mental health also falls under the wellness category, and the federal government can assist you or a family member. Individuals can struggle at any economic level and at any age. Did you know that mental illness is the third most common Social Security Disability category?
If you have anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, a mood disorder or any other kind of condition, you may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits. To see if you are eligible, contact your local Social Services agency for more information and to begin the application process. You could also go online here at the United States Social Security website to learn more.
Kids Being Active
There are free programs for children's recreation, but these will vary in every community in every state. Kids especially need to connect to their peers, and most park and recreation departments offer youth programs of all kinds year-round. You can register your child to participate in swimming, skating, running and many more. Some towns and cities provide summer, sports and dance camps. It's great when kids can have fun with others and can burn some energy.
Kids have become obsessed with their high-tech devices, and having them turn to outdoor activity is good for their health and wellness and socializing skills.
Wellness is your right, and there are a number of different ways to achieve a wellness lifestyle. Look into federal government programs first, and don't forget your local community. Reach out and ask for help. It's there for you.